Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Natural History Psychedelia" by Alexis Rockman

Thanks to my colleague Ilene who brought me a magazine clipping of the following article:

Artwork by Alexis Rockman, Gabrielle Plucknette/The New York Times

Ilene, an artist herself, shared this article with me because a) these images are made with gouache on black paper; and b) Alexis Rockman's work demonstrates his interest in natural history.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Admire reviewed in Vita.MN

Click here to read Mary Abbe's review of Admire, a show that includes two of my tiny paintings. Abbe describes not only the art, but commends the curator's inclusion of correspondence between the artists. These reciprocal letters of admiration are subtly shelved next to the art. So if you enjoy the moment of unfolding a piece of personal mail --- and who wouldn't? --- let that enrich your gallery-gazing experience. In Abbe's words, the letters "lend the show a disarming intimacy and candor. " And from my perspective as staff at a museum, I am struck by how refreshing it is to pore over a hand-held letter rather than crane my neck to skim a wall-mounted label.

Admire is on view through February 16. Form+Content Gallery's visitor hours are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, noon to 6 pm.

And while I'm on the topic of admiration and mutual support among artists, I'll recommend another exhibition: The House That We Built: Feminist Art Then & Now. My "admirer," Jody Williams, has work in The House That We Built and I'm looking forward to seeing the show this weekend.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sottobosco obsession

I am fascinated by the dark and peculiar works of Otto Marseus van Schrieck, a seventeenth-century Dutch painter who dedicated his life's work to painting the ground. Or more accurately, depicting shadowy undergrowths infused with imaginative chiaroscuro dramas. A few places to learn more: and

Bosgrond met een slang, hagedissen, vlinders en andere insecten
Otto Marseus van Schrieck, ca 1650-1678