Artist Statement

I am interested in making. Whether speaking of a paper wasp constructing a nest or a printmaker pulling a proof, ‘making’ is the fundamental way our energies and ingenuity become manifest in the material world. Engaged in making, we negotiate the tensions between complexity and simplicity, traverse the distance between the known and the novel. In my experience as a maker of objects, messages, and experiences, ‘making’ is more than a means of manufacture. It is a method for discovery.

I am interested in noticing. My process meshes direct observation of the natural world with intense studio work. In both of these engagements, energetic noticing is at the core. My work most interests—and challenges—me when depiction loses ground to speculation, when representation becomes distorted by interpretation.

I am interested in ideas. While the ideas themselves vary from one body of work to the next, I consistently incubate ideas during the time-based and time-consuming acts of making and noticing. As I work, my awareness is a pendulum alternating between the object at hand—craft, technique, materiality—and at the other extreme, mental phenomena—abstractions, interpretations, concepts, and questions. Making art is an opportunity to dwell in ideas.