Thursday, February 23, 2012

Description of Scolytus multistriatus

Entomologist as poet?
... frons of male is flat, oblong and hirsute; frons of female is weakly convex, weakly hirsute and sometimes glabrous; pronotum is densely punctate on upper surface; triangular scutellum densely hirsute; elytra dark red-brown, oblongly oval and bluntly rounded apices; grooves on elytra are dense, deep and sharply punctured; narrow interstices are densely punctured

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Erik Satie's Helpful' Hints to Performers

These Gnossiennes of 1890 were the first pieces in which [Erik] Satie did away with bar-lines and both key and time signatures. They were also the first to contain the 'helpful' hints to performers such as
Postulez en vous-même (Wonder about yourself),
Ne sortez pas (Don't leave), 
and Munissez-vous de clairvoyance (Be clairvoyant).

Source: Peter Avis, 1988 (Liner notes, Erik Satie, Anne Queffélec piano, Virgin Classics Ltd)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Oh Delight!

A day in the studio, sunlight pouring over my table, listening to Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows. Working on the surface treatment pictured below (detail, in progress).